Western backed 'moderate rebels' the Free Syrian Army, condemn recent USA and French bombing in Syria as "shocking massacres"

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Fri Jul 22 04:56:34 PDT 2016

Trigger warning: this article comes not from the US Veterans Today, but
from the newsroom formerly known as Russia Today, or to some "Russia
f!@#ing Today", now known as RT.com . . .

Those seeking politically correct Western newspeak have been warned!

Syrian opposition asks US-led coalition to halt strikes after reports of
mass civilian casualties

See also:
'Bloody massacres’: Syria appeals to UN after French & US airstrikes
'kill over 140 civilians’

And for those who are as sadly cynical as I:
‘Beyond a massacre: France deliberately bombed Syrian civilians after
Nice attack’
 Western coalition forces knew they were attacking an area inhabited by
 civilians and yet they carried out a bombing. How can 30 airstrikes be
 a mistake? How can they all be a mistake, political commentator Marwa
 Osman asked RT.

 The Syrian Foreign Ministry has written to the UN blaming US and French
 warplanes for the deaths of more than 100 civilians near the city of

 The alleged French act of aggression claimed the lives of more than 120
 civilians, most of them children, women and elderly. The fate of scores
 of other civilians still under the debris is unknown. The letter also
 mentioned the French air strikes came a day after US warplanes
 conducted a bombing raid, which Damascus claims killed 20 other

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