Who needs socially conscious hackers anyway?

Rayzer rayzer at riseup.net
Fri Jul 22 09:27:24 PDT 2016

McDonald's 'Make Burger History' Site Hijacked With Offensive Burger Ideas

    "Just come in to a participating 'Create Your Taste' McDonald's and
    order your Creation at the self ordering kiosk," McDonald's
    promised. But its failure to consider what pranksters might dream up
    online has left the company red-faced, with the website overrun by
    racist, homophobic and otherwise offensive suggestions...

    ...The burger concepts ranged from the mild, such as "Bag of
    Lettuce" (literally just a pile of lettuce leaves) and "The
    Carbonator" (seven burger buns, no filling), to X-rated, including
    "Girth" (a stack of seven undressed burger patties) and "Ron's
    Creamy Surprise" (a pile of mayonnaise, best left unexplained). But
    many went totally tasteless, creating burgers with names like
    "Mosque at Ground-Zero," "Rektal Prolapse" and "Toddler Body Bag,"
    some of which ended up on the website's front page before it was
    shut down entirely overnight.


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