[HacDC:Byzantium] Collaboration?

monk dot m0nk.omg.pwnies at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 23:27:00 PDT 2012

The serval project is really cool, and I like it a ton.  The problem I have
is that they still force the end user to run custom software written for
the mesh.  That is the main reason we went with a transparent proxy at a
low layer in the android stack. It's still an offshoot of OLSRd, and though
routing is improved I still think we can do better.  By we I mean the
community, not me personally. (I have ideas, but by no means to I presume
to be smarter than anyone)

We are on the github @: https://github.com/monk-dot

I honestly have little ego in this and don't really care if our project
takes off... What I really want is for Mesh networking to be a viable and
reliable alternative to what is out there now.

I don't like infrastructure that dies, I don't like governmental ability to
shut down the internet, I don't like subway stations not having
connections.... I don't see a point to it anymore.  We should be help and
not hindered by technology.

I am speaking @ DerbyCon in Louisville, KY about our project soon, but what
I really want to talk about is why we need mesh networks and how to get
there.  Again, I honestly don't care who "wins", I just want a mesh that I
can use.  If it's yours thats awesome, if it's mine thats awesome (but more
work for me), if it's someone we don't know yet that also awesome (to me).

I'm hoping we can share our routing insight with the community at large.
 We have a nice niche space (lots of extra sensors and info) in smart
phone/mobile that desktops and the like don't have.

My real personal interest for research is in routing protocols, mesh
leveling power and bandwidth consumption, porting BitTorrent to the mesh so
we can use the entire network as a redundant RAID device...

Please let me know how I can help and contribute besides simply
evangelizing the concepts and benefits.  They seem so self evident to me at
this point...



On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 10:30 PM, Ben Mendis <ben.mendis at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Hi m0nk,
> I agree that it looks like your project is complementary to what we're
> working on. And you're right, it would be great if more mesh projects could
> work together. We are actually headed to Barcelona in October to attend the
> International Summit for Community Wireless Networks (
> http://wirelesssummit.org/). We will be presenting our proposal for
> inter-mesh interoperability and seeking feedback from other, most
> established mesh networking projects and communities. We are hoping to
> build out the necessary standards and best practices to allow all of the
> different projects who are working in this problem space to work with each
> other rather than compete against each other.
> Until we have those standards ironed out, you can still design your
> network to be interop-ready by conforming to the same BSSID value used by
> Project Byzantium and Commotion Wireless: 02:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE. This will put
> your nodes on the same ad-hoc cell meaning that devices will be able to
> hear each other, from there it's just a matter of negotiating a common mesh
> routing protocol and addressing scheme.
> https://github.com/Byzantium/Byzantium/wiki/Setting-up-a-mesh-node-without-byzantium.
> Having watched your youtube video, I'm curious how you would
> compare/contrast your SPAN project to the Serval Project (
> http://www.servalproject.org/). It seems like your proposal is very
> similar to what they are working on.
> I look forward to working with you on this important problem space.
> Best regards,
> Ben the Pyrate
> On 08/23/2012 10:03 PM, m0nk wrote:
> So I'm way late to the game on this but I was wondering if there is
> something we could do to collaborate on mesh projects.  It seems there are
> way to many splinter groups wanting the same thing but are slightly too
> divergent to combine.
>  I just spoke @ DefCon XX with my Android Mesh project: SPAN
> More info here:
> http://youtu.be/RrI3MUnExJM
>  In a nutshell, we have injected transparent proxies into the smart
> phones below the network stack to control routing.  This allows us to be
> just another network interface and all apps behave as normal.
>  anyway, is there interest in chatting / sharing?  We are open source and
> are mostly interested in routing protocols and security, the initial mesh
> implementation was more of a platform to allo my team to explore these
> things easily.
>  Thanks!
> m0nk
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