[HacDC:Byzantium] Collaboration?

m0nk m0nk.omg.pwnies at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 19:03:14 PDT 2012

So I'm way late to the game on this but I was wondering if there is 
something we could do to collaborate on mesh projects.  It seems there are 
way to many splinter groups wanting the same thing but are slightly too 
divergent to combine.

I just spoke @ DefCon XX with my Android Mesh project: SPAN
More info here:

In a nutshell, we have injected transparent proxies into the smart phones 
below the network stack to control routing.  This allows us to be just 
another network interface and all apps behave as normal.

anyway, is there interest in chatting / sharing?  We are open source and 
are mostly interested in routing protocols and security, the initial mesh 
implementation was more of a platform to allo my team to explore these 
things easily.


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