Emanation Shielding with Music

Tyler Durden camera_lumina at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 21 13:42:17 PDT 2008

Back when I was field-testing MONET, we had some guys from DARPA and from some
agency I hadn't heard of before looking over my shoulder. As we passed one of
the big DARPA buildings in W. VA (is this the 'real' VA a la MkKane), he
started yapping about the windows on that building, but then shut himself up
remembering that we were after all civilians, even though we were entering
some very secure facilities (eg, one NSA facility).

I had guessed that being immune to laser-based eavesdropping would be one
characteristic of the glass, but I never knew exactly how (though I would have
thought it easier merely to put an vacuum between two sheets of glass as in
recording studios).


> Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2008 07:54:12 -0400
> To: cypherpunks at al-qaeda.net
> From: jya at pipeline.com
> Subject: Emanation Shielding with Music
> James Bamford in his new book on the NSA, mentions
> the glazing system on an HQ building which is composed
> of two layers of glass with wire mesh for TEMPEST
> shielding but also that music is played within the glass
> layers to garble vibration emanations.
> Anyone know of this music system or where more information
> could be obtained?
> On related topic, "buckypaper" is claimed to provide up to 10
> times more radiation protection than current Air Force requirements:
> http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/081017/tec_buckypaper.html
> Further out, on the varieties of electronic harrassment and
> attacks:
> http://www.bugsweeps.com/info/electronic_harassment.html

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