Emanation Shielding with Music

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at pobox.com
Sat Oct 18 11:46:03 PDT 2008

At 04:54 AM 10/18/2008, John Young wrote:
>... also that music is played within the glass
>layers to garble vibration emanations.
>Anyone know of this music system or where more information
>could be obtained?

During the Clinton Administration is was Fleetwood Mac;
these days it's primarily country & western....
More seriously, spooks have done that kind of thing
for a long time - voices in a room will shake the windows a bit,
and that can theoretically be detected by bouncing
microwaves or ultrasonics or whatever off of them
(presumably easier to detect with metallic surfaces than glass),
and the music drowns that out.

>On related topic, "buckypaper" is claimed to provide up to 10
>times more radiation protection than current Air Force requirements:

Interesting.  On the other hand, back when I had experience
with TEMPEST rooms in the mid-80s, the leakage difficulties
weren't the main walls, but sealing all the joints;
a surprisingly small gap is enough to let signals out,
and leakage is wavelength-dependent.
Back then our computers were Vaxen running at
tens of MHz (though we usually tested
with higher frequencies) - now the computers are running
at tens of GHz, and I'd guess that shielding is a lot harder.

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