[gnu at toad.com: May 24: National Day of Outrage at NSA/Telco surveillance]

Tyler Durden camera_lumina at hotmail.com
Tue May 23 16:26:29 PDT 2006

Now there's some thinkin'...

Cultural stego of crypto tools: "Hey, I'm with you guys all the way! Here, 
take this and stick it to those liberal democratic assholes who are 
corrupting our values!"

"Uh, we ARE democrats, sir..."

"Oh yeah, I knew that. Really. Take this and stick it to those warmongering 
Republican fucks!"


>From: coderman <coderman at gmail.com>
>To: "R.A. Hettinga" <rah at shipwright.com>
>CC: Justin <justin-cypherpunks at soze.net>, cypherpunks at jfet.org
>Subject: Re: [gnu at toad.com: May 24: National Day of Outrage at NSA/Telco  
>Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 15:23:57 -0700
>On 5/23/06, R.A. Hettinga <rah at shipwright.com> wrote:
>>If you want to fuck the NSA, state, whatever, write code.
>>If you want to get fucked in the ass some more, wave a sign around some 
>i'd like to pass off previous legitimate criticisms on the lack of
>pervasive and popular crypto by claiming usability flaws as the
>culprit.  but encouraging the public is surely some part of this
>how about handing out bootable CD's chock full of usable crypto
>goodness[1] to all those sign waving agitators so they might exercise
>a little personal responsibility for securing their privacy in
>addition to the masturbatory mob unity displays seeking redress and
>retraction from large, distant organizational structures who give two
>shits about that catchy slogan wielded impotently on ceder stick as if
>it were Excalibur itself expecting imminent victory over all of the
>world's ills...
>an updated image with zPhone integrated would be nice; perhaps
>something i'll poke at in the near future unless someone else does it
>first.  privacy knoppix needs a rebirth :)

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