[gnu at toad.com: May 24: National Day of Outrage at NSA/Telco surveillance]

coderman coderman at gmail.com
Tue May 23 15:23:57 PDT 2006

On 5/23/06, R.A. Hettinga <rah at shipwright.com> wrote:
> ...
> If you want to fuck the NSA, state, whatever, write code.
> If you want to get fucked in the ass some more, wave a sign around some more.

i'd like to pass off previous legitimate criticisms on the lack of
pervasive and popular crypto by claiming usability flaws as the
culprit.  but encouraging the public is surely some part of this

how about handing out bootable CD's chock full of usable crypto
goodness[1] to all those sign waving agitators so they might exercise
a little personal responsibility for securing their privacy in
addition to the masturbatory mob unity displays seeking redress and
retraction from large, distant organizational structures who give two
shits about that catchy slogan wielded impotently on ceder stick as if
it were Excalibur itself expecting imminent victory over all of the
world's ills...

1. http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=136357&package_id=176062

an updated image with zPhone integrated would be nice; perhaps
something i'll poke at in the near future unless someone else does it
first.  privacy knoppix needs a rebirth :)

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