CDR: Re: Insurance (was: why should it be trusted?)

petro petro at
Sat Oct 21 20:06:44 PDT 2000

>On Thu, 19 Oct 2000, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>>>  How does crypto-anarchy/libertarian/anarchy propose to deal with the
>>>  "tragedy of the commons" where by doing what is best for each persons own
>>>  interests they end up screwing it up for everyone (Overgrazing land with to
>>>  many cattle is the example I've been given).
>>The tragedy of the commons is that nobody owns it.
>The point is, there are certain things which cannot be exclusively owned
>without rendering the concept of rights, as most people understand them, for
>all practical purposes moot. Air is one.

	You assume that most people understand "rights". I see no 
evidence of that.
A quote from Petro's Archives:
"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech."
--Dr. Kathleen Dixon,
Director of Women s Studies,
Bowling Green State University

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