CDR: Re: Insurance (was: why should it be trusted?)

Anonymous nobody at
Thu Oct 19 06:30:01 PDT 2000

> > I believe that the standard argument is "Eliminate the commons." (by
> > auctioning off to the highest bidder perhaps)
> >
> So who gets the bid on the environment ? There are some commons 
> that can not be eliminated so easily.

Generally, this would be water and air. If someone pollutes the air 
over their land, that's ok. As soon as the pollution crosses into 
your land, you sue for damages. People are concerned about the 
long term value of their property, so they will have a disincentive
to pollute. 

Not only do you have people holed up in their bunkers, awaiting 
the arrival of the grim crypto-reaper, but everyone has a lawyer or
4 on staff.

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