CDR: Re: A successful lawsuit means Gore wins!

George at Orwellian.Org George at Orwellian.Org
Thu Nov 9 16:05:29 PST 2000

Jim Burnes > wrote:
#    I could stomach 'might be illegal', but illegal?

George at wrote:
> Warren Christopher was just on TV, calling the ballot illegal.
> Let's leave it at that until a court decides.

Declan, King of the Wired, wrote:
#    Warren Christopher, the arbiter of truth? Right...

I said the courts would be.

James "too damn bad about the 19,000" Baker
ain't no piece of cake either, FYI.


Heh-heh-heh. Perot threw in with Bush, pissing off Bucanan.

Buchanan now says most of his Palm Beach County
votes are actually Gore's.

Pat Buchanan and Jesse Jackson united!o

(Looking around for hellfire blast prior to anti-Christ arrival...)

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