Digital Economy Jargon Generator

Declan McCullagh declan at
Tue Dec 12 13:04:57 PST 2000

Here you go:


At 10:08 12/12/2000 -0800, Tim May wrote:

>With all of the talk recently of recursively-settled agoric market spaces, 
>multidimensional geodesic actor systems, and other jargon-heavy 
>marketbuzz, I've made up a little table of recommended names.
>Someone could make a little Perl or Python script to let the computers do 
>all the work.
>The idea is to take a couple of sexy terms from Columns 1 and 2 and apply 
>them to a noun from Column 3. Care should be taken to use terms which 
>evoke images from relativity, quantum mechanics, artificial life, and 
>other trendy areas. Anything that triggers images from "Star Trek" is good.
>Here it goes:
>Column 1            Column 2          Column 3
>Distributed         Fractal           Market
>Geodesic            Coaseian          Ecosystem
>Holographic         Geodesic          Space
>Multiply-connected  Biometric         Ecology
>Least Action        Parameterized     Continuum
>Recursively-settled Holographic       Cyberspace
>Fractal             Multidimensional  Bazaar
>Bionomic            Distributed       Hyperspace
>Agoric              Auction           Topology
>Best of breed       Metric            Metaverse
>Dark Fiber          Anarchic          Arena
>Open-system         Quantized         Manifold
>Anarcho-topological Hayekian          Actor system
>Examples of usage:
>"Digital Datawhack is premised on the principle of creating distributed 
>biometric agoric arenas."
>"The Von Mises Corporation is the dominant player in deploying 
>recursively-settled holographic actor systems. It is our goal to make 
>agoric, open-system market topologies the bionomic norm."
>"Fractalbucks are the unit of currency in the Hayekworld bazaar-type open 
>Coaseian system. We believe it to be best of breed in the dark fiber 
>geodesic market space."
>Glad to be of help.
>--Tim May, Aptical Foddering Marketspace V.P.
>(This .sig file has not been significantly changed since 1992. As the
>election debacle unfolds, it is time to prepare a new one. Stay tuned.)

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