Digital Economy Jargon Generator

Tim May tcmay at
Tue Dec 12 10:08:31 PST 2000

With all of the talk recently of recursively-settled agoric market 
spaces, multidimensional geodesic actor systems, and other 
jargon-heavy marketbuzz, I've made up a little table of recommended 

Someone could make a little Perl or Python script to let the 
computers do all the work.

The idea is to take a couple of sexy terms from Columns 1 and 2 and 
apply them to a noun from Column 3. Care should be taken to use terms 
which evoke images from relativity, quantum mechanics, artificial 
life, and other trendy areas. Anything that triggers images from 
"Star Trek" is good.

Here it goes:

Column 1            Column 2          Column 3

Distributed         Fractal           Market

Geodesic            Coaseian          Ecosystem

Holographic         Geodesic          Space

Multiply-connected  Biometric         Ecology

Least Action        Parameterized     Continuum

Recursively-settled Holographic       Cyberspace

Fractal             Multidimensional  Bazaar

Bionomic            Distributed       Hyperspace

Agoric              Auction           Topology

Best of breed       Metric            Metaverse

Dark Fiber          Anarchic          Arena

Open-system         Quantized         Manifold

Anarcho-topological Hayekian          Actor system

Examples of usage:

"Digital Datawhack is premised on the principle of creating 
distributed biometric agoric arenas."

"The Von Mises Corporation is the dominant player in deploying 
recursively-settled holographic actor systems. It is our goal to make 
agoric, open-system market topologies the bionomic norm."

"Fractalbucks are the unit of currency in the Hayekworld bazaar-type 
open Coaseian system. We believe it to be best of breed in the dark 
fiber geodesic market space."

Glad to be of help.

--Tim May, Aptical Foddering Marketspace V.P.

(This .sig file has not been significantly changed since 1992. As the
election debacle unfolds, it is time to prepare a new one. Stay tuned.)

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