How to solve the tax problem w/o anarchy or force (fwd)

Blanc blancw at
Mon Nov 9 16:42:05 PST 1998

You know, guys, it doesn't matter what sort of tax system is set up, if it
doesn't begin with one very fundamentally, essential, crucial, important point:
respect for the sovereignty of the individual.   This means respect for their
individual agreement, their informed consent, to any arrangement to be taken up
by them.

If, at any point in time - either before, during, or after a plan for obtaining
moneys from citizen-units is instigated - it loses sight of the purpose for
setting up the whole thing, then it's worthless anyway.  If it doesn't support
the highest ideal of humanity - unit by unit, individual by individual, human
beings qua their separate existence  - then it is not serving their purposes,
but only the purpose of those who identify themselves as the State: employees of
the State, leaders of the State, keepers of the State, goalies of the State,
wards of the State, etc.

If "members" are not extended the courtesy due to strangers, where one would
normally inquire - "would you like to join us?" or "would you like to combine
efforts with us in this endeavor to do ourselves a good" or "would you agree to
support this organization in this manner?"; if instead their existence is taken
for granted and their efforts treated as minor elements in the larger scheme of
more important things, if their separate opinions are rolled up into a combined
average, then what does it matter the benefits?   What does it matter, the

If there is no basic comprehension of respect, no display of respect, no
provision in their Codes (legal codes, tax codes, etc.) for the methods of
respectfulness -  then where is the goodness in the rest of it, once you've lost
your place in your hierarchy of values?   People will then be operating in an
mindless atmosphere of unconsciousness, an atmosphere lacking an appreciation
for oneself as a unique creature, self-possessed and having their own reasons
and purpose for living.   Gradually they will lose the consciousness of
themselves as being something other than a "member" of a collective, an identity
not dependent upon recognition from the State, upon sanction from The Crowd for
permission to move based on the independent exercise of judgement- be it to move
about freely, or consume the  chemicals of the Universe, or think unofficial
thoughts, whatever.

They could become like the "bird in a guilded cage" - having all the benefits of
personal comfort, but without the ability or permission to pursue goals beyond
what is tolerated within the boundaries of the Group Consciousness (can you say
B-o-r-g), so that they may have more and more of the basic physical
requirements, but less and less of themselves - of their own authority, of their
own self-esteem, an esteem not pre-measured or pre-determined by the PC police,
that constant reference in the back of their mind reminding them of the limits
of their approved parameters.

Nothing - no plan, no organization, no purpose, no method, no clever, cheaper,
faster, more practical scheme - is worth supporting, if it degrades the concept,
the idea, the reality, of respect for the boundaries of our separate existence.
If it denies the recognition of self-ownership, if it ignores it, if it fails to
account for it in word or deal with it in action, then eventually it will
transgress these boundaries with impunity and an air of overbearing
self-righteousness, and you will lose what is most important of all.    You
could "gain the world" (of tax-extorted benefits), but lose your Self.    (of
course some people don't propose to have one, and so wouldn't miss it or
complain over its absence)


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