How to solve the tax problem w/o anarchy or force (fwd)

Vladimir Z. Nuri vznuri at
Mon Nov 9 14:24:22 PST 1998

country have let it get out of control for many decades.
the idea that "someone else handles that stuff" has infected
our consciousness. govt is something WE handle if we want
a good one. if you want something done right, do it yourself.

cpunks actually contribute to this problem with their nihilistic
philosophy in general. the msg is that it is a waste of time
to engage in group activity or political discourse or lobbying
against the govt or organization or *whatever*... it's actually
just a variant on the sheeple passivity. sheeple are like, "that's
not my job". cpunks are like, "it is a waste of time and energy
to do that job". what's the difference in the end??

the govt can be turned around very, very quickly if the public
stops sucking down sixpacks and being hypnotized by meaningless
dribble of sporting events and sitcoms that parade endlessly
across their nanosecond attention span. maybe they might read
even more than a comic book or pornographic magazine some day.
the political class *intentionally* created this bread and
circus atmosphere and are hiding behind the scenes as we
speak. no dorothy do not look at the man behind the curtain.

some new books are encouraging signs. "secrecy" by moynihan. there
is a new book on the "third party" or something like that which
proposes a new political party, and is selling very well on
amazon. a new book by gerry spence lawyer talks about how the
u.s. population is enslaved. the material is there for those
who seek it. "when the student is ready the teacher will appear"

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