Technology and loss of freedom

Sergey Goldgaber sergey at
Tue Mar 18 00:28:44 PST 1997

On Mon, 17 Mar 1997, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:

-> Technology has also done precious little for advancing human
-> freedoms (although cryptography may be an exception).

I would disagree.  Technology has done an incredible ammount for advancing
human freedom.

Communication is a prime example.  The printing press has resulted in 
widespread education, which is a great facilitator of freedom when its not
a purely socializing force.  It has also facilitated insurrections and 
revolutions (the Revolutionary War here in the States is a good example).
This, though not always leading to 'democracy', is a self determining act,
and thus a free one.

Technology has also made travel easier.  This, combined with communication
has led, and is leading, to greater cosmopolitanism.  The result of this
cosmopolitanism is the loosening of the bonds of tradition and taboo in
any particular culture.  It also promotes greater understanding and peace,
perhaps following an initial isolationist reaction.

Science, the mother of technology, has led to freedom from stifling
religious dogma (perhaps substituting some of it's own dogma, of course).

Medical technological advancement has resulted in a longer life span,
which increases the opportunities alloted to man within his lifetime.
This also translates to an increase in freedom of action.

Whether people use this freedom or not, is a seperate issue.

I am also not unaware of the detractions of technology, and how it has
been used to curtail freedom.  It has many other detractions as well.
In fact, I am of the oppinion that we have indeed paid too dear a price 
for such rapidity of technological advancement.  The fire that has been 
stolen from the gods is burning our house down.

 . Sergey Goldgaber <sergey at>      System Administrator        el Net .
 .   To him who does not know the world is on fire, I have nothing to say   .
 .                                                      - Bertholt Brecht   .

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