Toto toto at
Mon Mar 17 21:30:55 PST 1997

> From: denning at (Dorothy Denning)
> We are in the process of writing a report on the impact of technology
> and encryption on domestic and international organized crime.  The
> results will be presented to the Working Group on Organized Crime of the
> National Strategy Information Center in Washington, DC on April 29.
>  Even if you have not encountered encryption, we
> are interested in your views on how it will be exploited by organized
> crime and ultimately affect our ability to fight global organized crime.

  I don't think that there is any need for you to fish for imaginary 
scenarios involving organized crime and encryption as there is more
than enough hard evidence of these crimes being comitted by governments
around the world.
  The ultimate form of encryption, for example, is the use of the Top
Secret / National Security scam to limit the criminal actions of the
government to being viewed only by those who are taking an active part
in the crimes against the citizens and the subverting of personal 
privacy and freedom. 
  Another particularly criminal form of encryption is the corruption
of the truth by disinformation campaigns and deceitful scare tactics
which government agencies use to disguise the true nature of their
freedom-limiting legislation and regulations.
  I could go on and on, but I seriously doubt that you want to hear
about it. 

  I am certain that you are making a great amount of money in your
efforts to lower the Jackboots on the citizens of the world by 
claiming that their freedom and privacy must be taken from them
in order to protect them. I hope that you get filthy rich, the key
word here being 'filthy'.
  It amazes me that someone would self-righteously proclaim that I
need protection from drug-dealers who are not passing legislation 
forcing me to use their products, and claim that their efforts to
pass legislation to imprison me for exercising my right to privacy
are some holy crusade.

  I hope that your sorry, Nazi asses burn in Hell for the vile,
fascist legislation that you and your kind are attempting to
foist upon the public.
  Perhaps you could suggest 'trial' legislation which only denies
strong cryptography to Jews, intitially. Then, if your efforts to
round them all up and send them to the death camps are successful,
you could point to this success as reason to expand the legislation.
"The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre"

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