We need more surveillance--a morality play about terrorism

Rich Graves rcgraves at disposable.com
Tue Jun 17 00:44:36 PDT 1997


On Tue, 17 Jun 1997, William H. Geiger III wrote:

> In <Pine.GUL.3.95.970616215033.19356A-100000 at Networking.Stanford.EDU>, on
> 06/16/97 at 10:04 PM, Rich Graves <rcgraves at disposable.com> said:
> >Yes, for some people, this is a police state. But the threat is not
> >(just)  the FBI/CIA/ATF/NSA; it's us. It's the people developing photos
> >at the supermarket who aren't comfortable with Hispanics and "ebonites"
> >having guns, and believe the police or TLAs should put a stop to it.
> >Technical capabilities don't oppress people; people do.
> If it wasn't for the fact that we *are* living in a police state the
> opions of a supermarket clerk would not be relevant.
> If we were living in a Constutional democracy where the TLAs had to abide
> by the laws of the land then the gestapo would have never even though of
> raiding the Hispanic gun owners.

What Gestapo? Lucky Green didn't tell the whole story, but it was my
impression he was talking about the local police or sheriff. They had local
police and sheriffs lo those glorious days of freedom of the antebellum
South, too. How else you expect people to protect their property? A man
can't stay awake watching for looters 24 hours a day, or if he does, he's
liable to start hallucinating and wasting ammunition. Gun control means
being able to keep your eyes open and shoot straight.

- -rich

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