We need more surveillance--a morality play about terrorism

William H. Geiger III whgiii at amaranth.com
Tue Jun 17 00:13:22 PDT 1997


In <Pine.GUL.3.95.970616215033.19356A-100000 at Networking.Stanford.EDU>, on
   at 10:04 PM, Rich Graves <rcgraves at disposable.com> said:

>On Mon, 16 Jun 1997, Lucky Green wrote:

>> At 05:02 PM 6/15/97 -0700, Rich Graves wrote:
>> >Of course it probably helped that the guy was white, and probably
>> >driving a "decent" car, and carrying "decent" guns and not some
>> >"Saturday Night Special." 
>> The guy being white and educated may well have convinced the cop to not
>> make a fuzz. My local newspaper recently ran an article about a few
>> Hispanic looking folks who had some photographs of themselves holding guns
>> in their hands developed at the supermarket. Before they even picked up the
>> prints, the clerk had called the cops which in turn raided the unfortunate
>> gun owners.
>> It turned out that the Hispanics owned the firearms legally.

>I always knew you had a bleeding-heard liberal inside, just struggling to
>come out. 

>Yes, for some people, this is a police state. But the threat is not
>(just)  the FBI/CIA/ATF/NSA; it's us. It's the people developing photos
>at the supermarket who aren't comfortable with Hispanics and "ebonites"
>having guns, and believe the police or TLAs should put a stop to it.
>Technical capabilities don't oppress people; people do.

If it wasn't for the fact that we *are* living in a police state the
opions of a supermarket clerk would not be relevant.

If we were living in a Constutional democracy where the TLAs had to abide
by the laws of the land then the gestapo would have never even though of
raiding the Hispanic gun owners.

- -- 
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William H. Geiger III  http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

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