Another Article on Jim Bell from the Oregano

Toto toto at
Wed Apr 9 08:00:04 PDT 1997

Bill Stewart wrote:
> The government tried to prove that he was trying to manufacture
> meth, but was unable and Jim pleaded guilty to a lesser charge.

  Misleading. He pled guilty to a 'different' charge, which had 
nothing to do with 'drugs', but was some EPA type of thing, as
I recall.

> >(Of course,
> >what are prohibited molecules and non-prohibited molecules is an ever
> >changing maze.  It is pretty hard to keep track of what is "legal" and
> >"illegal" in that area.  Seems to be "whatever we say it is".
> It's actually quite straightforward - it all depends on the
> intent of the molecules being arrested.  If they're just loitering around,
> it's not illegal, but if they're loitering with intent to commit public
> intoxication, or conspiring to form an illegal syndicate, you may be
> in big trouble....

  I bought some drugs once, intending to try them.
  Then I changed my mind...
"The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre"

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