Another Article on Jim Bell from the Oregano

Bill Stewart stewarts at
Tue Apr 8 23:42:09 PDT 1997

At 10:18 AM 4/5/97 -0800, you wrote:
>As for the "drug conviction", he was nailed for possession of phenyl acetic
>acid in 1989. The government tried to prove that he was trying to manufacture
>meth, but was unable and Jim pleaded guilty to a lesser charge.  

>(Of course,
>what are prohibited molecules and non-prohibited molecules is an ever
>changing maze.  It is pretty hard to keep track of what is "legal" and
>"illegal" in that area.  Seems to be "whatever we say it is".  

It's actually quite straightforward - it all depends on the 
intent of the molecules being arrested.  If they're just loitering around,
it's not illegal, but if they're loitering with intent to commit public
intoxication, or conspiring to form an illegal syndicate, you may be
in big trouble....

#			Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts at
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