NSA/GCSB spying shown on NZ television [RANT]

Clint Barnett cbarnett at eciad.bc.ca
Sat Oct 19 10:37:04 PDT 1996

It was not my intention to discredit the theory, in fact I believe I 
mentioned that in my original "e". When Canada changed to the Metric 
system, I went along with it, what could I do? Politicians raise my 
taxes, and I bear that burden as well. I don't like it, but I also take 
whatever I can get through the system. Ripping off the system by using 
the system is one of the best ways to get the system changed. If I went 
into a restaurant with an automatic weapon because I didn't like the way 
they were destroying the rainforests,it would get me on the evening news as 
a crazed gunman, not as somebody who likes trees. If you think thatyou 
can resist the NSA and win, more power to you, and I'll help if I can, but 
I don't think you can.However, I strongly believe that you have the power 
to limit the information they steal from you, and thereby limit the 
control they have over you. If you can keep your wits about you, act fast 
when you have to, and run away to fight another day, then you can maybe 
do some good, but don't make a martyr of yourself or anyone else, because 
martyrs can't write code, they can't attack or defend a system, they can 
only lay there and rot in jail or in the ground. 

clint barnett
lord of the cosmos
emily carr institute

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