NSA/GCSB spying shown on NZ television [RANT]

Dale Thorn dthorn at gte.net
Sat Oct 12 23:33:34 PDT 1996

Clint Barnett wrote:
> has anyone seen the Mike Myers flic "So I Married An Axe Murderer"?
> His "father" in the movie has an awesome theory about a group of the
> 5 most powerful epole in the world running everything, including the
> newspapers, known as the Pentavaret. The Vatican, the Queen, the
> Gettys, the Rothchilds, and Colonel Sanders before he went tits up.
> Not to discredit your information, but you just reminded me of it and
> I thought it was funny enough to mention.

And I thought this was well worth mentioning on the list:

I am always amused (when I'm not absolutely hysterical) at how certain 
people can sit back and smirk at conspiracy "theories" like the 
"Bilderberg" agenda et al, then you look around and you see:

 1. No major daily newspaper in the U.S. takes any interest at all when
    these most powerful and influential people meet to discuss the fate
    of the world.  What a surprise, huh?

 2. The same people who get on TV a lot and smirk at conspiracies that
    might be believed in by the little people, don't have any trouble
    believing in the wildest, craziest, most unbelievable conspiracy
    of all, as long as it's politically correct, and brings in lots
    of cash.  Screw 'em.

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