Truelly Random Numbers

Tim Fulbright 100022.3167 at
Tue Mar 5 06:28:43 PST 1996

Now I, a lurker for two months, am truelly confused!  L. Deitweiler must be
right.   Surely one of you cyperpunk fellows could hack together a dongle with
some kind of AD converter and buffer ram to gather a Truelly Random Bitstream
off the environment every couple of milliseconds easier than this raindrop
scheme or recording the fan, you're haviung me on!.  Let's go back fifty  years
and get a  vacuum tube to  fitfully flicker?  I who know next to nothing about
electronics suspect  there is surely enough noise present in electornic devices
to gather a random bitstream that you could chop anywya you needed? Anyway,  y
would you need a WAN for constant raindrop number generation  when you could
just set up your random number node out in LaPush  or up in Volcano sampling
every minute ot so   : ) ?  My second overall question is, isn't the emphasis on
encryption of e-mail and e-mail emposters somewhat shortsighted?  What if, for
the masses which is all that counts,  e-mail migrates to voicemail?   The issues
aren't the same with voicemail, eg PK validation problems go out the window
since voicemail  validation could take the form of an PK encrypted voicegram. .
Something the matter with that?   It might also prevent robots from posing as
persons while still allowing aliases..    Please pardon this interruption!   I
really do admire the frankness and quality of your newslist, its democratic open
discussion on the most vital political issues facing our time ; but after
reading your mail I think that either I need seriously wising up,  or, somebody
must know where the real newsgroup is!

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