Truelly Random Numbers

electro electro at
Sun Mar 3 22:42:48 PST 1996

At 06:16 PM 3/3/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Mark Allyn 206-860-9454 wrote:
>> Take a piece of non conducting board, say about six by six
>> feet. Put electrodes on it; say a pair of electrodes every
>> quarter inch or so across and down.
>> Each pair of electrodes would be connected to logic so that
>> it generates a unique number. When the electrodes are shorted,
>> the number would be generated.
>Quite elaborate. And unless you live in a rainy part of the world, not 
>very useful.
>Better off using those contraptions where little steel balls fall around
>the electrodes.  There's some entropy there... but still, it's too 
>elaborate for RNG generation.
>- ---
Well how about putting a 'noise meter' in place of the 'rain sensor' and
then just hang it out the window or
any place that has some noise.  

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