
A. Padgett Peterson P.E. Information Security PADGETT at hobbes.orl.mmc.com
Mon Feb 12 12:17:26 PST 1996

Bill rote:
>One thing the V-Chip gives us is the argument:  Now that parents have the
>ability to control what their children watch, the government should turn
>responsibility over to them and butt out.

Hmmm, thought - network TV is declining badly (I like AMC & Discovery 
channel myself). FCC rules are somewhat limiting and 5-year-old mentalities
rarely have much disposable income.

Cable is taking off because FCC restrictions do not apply. Would the
V-chip free the networks to allow *more* S&V^H^H^H"adult content" ? Where 
is the lobbying/money coming from ?

ps still suspect that both the V-chip and CC are simple chip design changes 
   that do not need to add any cost.

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