Availability of high-speed DES chips.

Mark Aldrich maldrich at grctechs.va.grci.com
Mon Feb 12 10:00:38 PST 1996

I've got a networking application upon which I'm working that requires 
high-speed DES capability that can be clocked up to around 20 
megabytes/second.  We're going to have to do circuit board level design, 
so I can't plug a stand-alone box on the ass-end of the network device - 
it's got to be planted into our network controller.  This thing is going 
to provide ATM/SONET communications.

Does anyone know of any chip sets that can run at this speed?  Input 
regarding either commercial or R&D sources would be appreciated.  I know 
that two years ago at the Internet Security meeting in San Diego we saw a 
parallel processor configuration of DES chips, but I can't remember which 
University in North Carolina was working on this.  If anyone knows if 
this research went anywhere, I'd appreciate hearing about that as well.

Thanks for the help!

|So, I went walking through the street.   |Mark Aldrich                 | 
|I saw you strung up in a tree.           |GRCI INFOSEC Engineering     | 
|A woman knelt there, said to me,         |maldrich at grci.com            | 
|Hold your tongue, man, hold your tongue. |MAldrich at dockmaster.ncsc.mil | 
|The author is PGP Empowered.  Public key at:  finger maldrich at grci.com |
|    The opinions expressed herein are strictly those of the author     | 
|         and my employer gets no credit for them whatsoever.           | 

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