Niacin warning OOPS!!!

John C. Brice ag588 at cleveland.Freenet.Edu
Mon Mar 14 07:34:53 PST 1994

> [Discussion of popping niacin doses to defeat biometric scanning devices]
What if the only biometric scans taken of a person were taken while
flushing on niacin?  Will they result in a consistent, though flushed,
scan, thereby enabling the stystem to identify you anyway?  If they then
nab you and want to verify the scan, all they have to do is inject you with
another dose of niacin and check the scan.  [Obviously this scenario
assumes some fairly major civil rights violations, but for the
international traveler....]

I am an attorney, seeking a position in the area of Computer Law.  If you
know of such a position available, or of someone who may know of such a
position, please send e-mail!  Thanks.

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