Niacin warning OOPS!!!

tim werner werner at
Mon Mar 14 04:09:53 PST 1994

From: rarachel at (Arsen Ray Arachelian)
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 1994 16:03:10 -0500 (EST)
> From: rarachel at (Arsen Ray Arachelian)
> > you can also just pop a 400mg Niacin capsule... Niacin will
> > quickly dialate all your capilaries bringing lots of blood
> > to your face and making you look like a lobster.
> I just want to warn anyone who is thinking of trying this that 400 mg
> is not the place to start with niacin.  The flushing will be extremely
> intense at that level and you will probably either think you are dying
> or wish you were.  Try 50 or 100 mg to start with.
OOPS!  I goofed!  Sorry about that, hope nobody tried that high a dose..

I started taking some extra vitamins a while back, and the Niacin dose was
150mg, which gave me a barely noticable tingling sensation in my face, but
did not cause my face to change color.  I was previously taking only

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