? EFF Hoax/PRZ Defense (Mech)

Jeff Davis eagle at deeptht.armory.com
Mon Apr 11 10:25:46 PDT 1994

Date: Mon, 11 Apr 1994 12:23:03 -0400
From: tim werner <werner at mc.ab.com>
>On Mon, 11 Apr 1994, tim werner wrote:

>I guess what I was thinking about was a thread in comp.org.eff.talk about
>some bogus eff press release that happened some time ago.  My concern is
>that I was taken in by this.

>Does anyone know if there was an appeal for contributions to a legal
>defense fund in that bogus press release?  I didn't follow the thread that
>closely, especially after it seemed like it turned into a flame war.

I can unequivocably assure you nothing in the *Porn Press Release Hoax*
that I read mentioned anything about the Phil Zimmerman Defense Fund.  If
McCandlish manages to glean import from the subject of this message to the
degree he reads it, I invite his comment as well.  
PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger!  JAFEFFM  Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle at deeptht.armory.com			email info at eff.org *
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