T-Shirt Update

Christian Void cvoid at netcom.com
Mon Apr 11 08:30:11 PDT 1994

A lot of people have sent me mail in regards to my last message, wanting 
to order shirts. At this time, we can't take any new orders. We only had 
enough shirts screened to fill the orders.

If enough people are interested, we will be doing another run sometime in 
the next month or so. I will keep you updated. 

Until then, PLEASE, do not send me checks or orders.

Christian Void /T71 | "I don't like it, and I'm sorry I | V/M/Research, Inc.
cvoid at netcom.com    | ever had anything to do with it." | P.O. Box 170213
Tel. 1+415-998-0774 |  -Erwin Schrodinger  (1887-1961)  | SF, CA  94117-0213
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