jdblair at nextsrv.cas.muohio.EDU jdblair at nextsrv.cas.muohio.EDU
Fri Nov 12 11:05:07 PST 1993

The hardware off-shoot of this list is finally on-line!

You can subscribe to the list by sending a subscribe request of the form:
SUBSCRIBE cp-hardware <name>
to listproc at nextsrv.cas.muohio.edu

I have decided to call the list 'cp-hardware'.  While perhaps this is
somewhat more boreing of a name than punk-net, or the like, it is more
descriptive of the list as a whole.  Thanks to all of the people who sent
me mail requesting to be on the list- your're requests are why I've set
the list up.  However, I decided it will be simpler for people who are
interested to send the subscribe request themselves.  This should
eliminate, or rather minimize errors.  So, if you sent me a request
previously, you still need to send a request listproc.

The intention is that the list will be a forum for discussion of hardware
issues related to computer privacy, as well as dicussion, design, and
hopefully construction of several projects.  If the list gets going
sufficiently well, I'll set up an anonymous ftp site for the storage of
archive, schematics, and anything else that is related.

When you subscribe, you will get a welcome message which describes what I
see the list could be.  Your feedback is appreciated.  A short (very
short) informational file can be requested by mailing

INFO cp-hardware

To listproc at nextsrv.cas.muohio.edu, although the welcome message is I
think more descriptive of the list at this point.

so, punks, why stop at writing code?  Let's build hardware!

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