RE*2: (fwd) Netcom adds access in Denver area

P.V.McMahon at P.V.McMahon at
Fri Nov 12 11:04:50 PST 1993

> these capabilities is far beyond my budget.  I can't understand why England
> is so far ahead of the U.S. in this regard.

Do you refer here to its inexpensive private Internet access services
(like demon)?

Apologies if there was an antecedent in previous mail under this subject,
but I have now deleted it.

>                                             No offense intended, but I
> always thought of their telecommunications and computing infrastructure as
> being several years behind the U.S.

What aspect of the UK infrastructure did you perceive as lagging
the US ?


Ps. I believe that the natural home for this thread isn't on this list.

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