nsa taxis

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Thu Mar 31 00:52:45 PDT 2016

On 3/30/16, Rayzer <Rayzer at riseup.net> wrote:
> juan wrote:
>> No, I was only referring to the fact that you are not
>> 	completely hostile to IDs, even gov't issued IDs
> You have selective amnesia . I said I want people who drive
> smog-belching one or two ton potential homicide machines to have a
> certification in homicide avoidance. It's called a "Drivers License" and
> albeit it doesn't preclude homicide on the part of the certified it
> helps provide justification-for-the-crushed that the person who did it
> knew how not to do so.

"It" could also be called "certificate of minimum level competency"
issued by a government-approved body, without having to be attached to
a government link everything and everyone database nor issued by the

Your vehemence in the past came across quite clearly in support of
"state-issued" driver licenses. I would of course accept an alternate
position by you, but round these parts, state-issued driver licenses
are anathema to freedom, privacy, anonymity of travel and various
other grievances we have with the endless slippery slope of
demoncratic "government".

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