Apple engineers... Will they (snigger) crack under pressure

juan juan.g71 at
Sat Mar 19 15:24:22 PDT 2016

On Sat, 19 Mar 2016 10:48:44 -0400
John Young <jya at> wrote:

> At 02:02 PM 3/18/2016, you wrote:
> >Apple will have its Snowden.
> >
> >--dan
> Marc Zwillinger, top tech lawyer for Apple in several cases, is an 
> ex-DoJ top tech lawyer.
> Several of the Apple and amici lawyers are ex-USG, a stepping onto 
> the golden stone -- a la Snowden  Inc. -- to higher public service of 
> just-us legally empowered spy-technoids rewards.

	The 'amicus curiae brief' from lavabit was pretty unimpressive
	but of course as self-parody it was great. 

	For instance, the legal geniuses who wrote the 'brief' argued
	that forcing apple to work for their partners, the government,
	would be 'involuntary servitude' (poor oppressed corporation).

	At the same time the master doctors cheerfully 'acknowledged'
	the supreme authority of the americunt konstitution and noted
	that 'involutary servitude' was perfectly 'legal', 'just' and
	'amazing'  in quite a few cases, to wit : 

	"the conscription of americans into military service does not
	violate the 13th ammendment 

	forced jury service is also not a violation

	preventing sailors who contracted to work from desserting their


	forced roadwork are not a violations of the 13th ammendment"

	It seems clear that with this kind of 'freedom' 'fighters'
	freedom needs no enemies. 

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