Safe country for crypto products

grarpamp grarpamp at
Thu Mar 17 20:56:16 PDT 2016

On 3/17/16, Steve Kinney <admin at> wrote:
> On 03/17/2016 08:10 PM, strife wrote:
>> Looks like, rather sooner than later, we will have to move some
>> products to other countries. AnyDVD, which has slightly
>> different enemies, moved from Switzerland to Antigua to
>> Belize.
>> Looking at the slightly outdated, I wonder which
>>  non-EU/non-US country would actually be suitable to serve as
>> host organization for open source crypto projects.
>> With some thinking, it probably can be arranged to have
>> parallel entities in multiple countries 'responsible' for an
>> open source project. I can't think of any examples where this
>> is the case, most projects do have one primary legal home
>> (trademark, copyright, etc).
> Distributed development of software, involving people scattered
> all over the world, is routine these days.  Adapting tools like
> git and i2p to create hard to find, hard to suppress projects
> physically hosted at multiple locations in mutually hostile legal
> jurisdictions is only a question of motivation:  When the
> perceived value of a project exceeds the costs of making it
> "stateless" and very hard to suppress, people will most likely do
> just that.  I can't think of any technical barriers.
> People who are competent to make "crypto products" are uniquely
> qualified to do that particular trick.

There are already number of git repos on anonymous overlay
networks from which to choose, or setup your own.
Also this repo works quite well over such networks and has
additional integrated crypto features...

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