[Cryptography] Govt Can't Let Smartphones Be 'Black Boxes, ' Obama Say

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 21:31:40 PDT 2016

On 3/16/16, Georgi Guninski <guninski at guninski.com> wrote:
> Do you think enough people will wake up?

Human genome probably not have enough individual self
reliance / autonomy and meta observance powers at scale
in DNA... too collective / dependant and busy computing
social circle for local survival... so will keep taking it up ass
by those metas who have it till next reboot.

> Does this list helps waking up people in non-negligible way?

Fuck no, ain't nobody in general population ever read this shit.
Only the usual suspects visit, mine, and call cypherpunks home...
The job of a cypherpunk is to push it out to population...
Or be so elite that you can just sit back and puppetmaster it all...

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