participation in sensor networks

juan juan.g71 at
Sat Mar 5 13:01:38 PST 2016

On Sat, 5 Mar 2016 15:41:04 -0500
Steve Kinney <admin at> wrote:

> Universal surveillance enables abuses of State power only when
> access to collected data is restricted to State sanctioned actors.

	Yeah well. The obvious assumption(fact) is that surveillance is
	carried by the state and its proxies and only they have access
	to the data. Which is exactly what's happening now. 

	Oh, and not only they have access to the data, they also have
	access to the guns. So the more data they have, the more damage
	they can cause.

>  When everything becomes searchable by anybody, the inability of
> State sanctioned actors to conceal their activities or effectively
> lie about their history and motives will inhibit their potential
> for destructive action.  

	Sorry, I'm not buying that. First, the idea that joe-six-pack
	is going to have access to the pentagon's satellites is sheer
	nonsense. And even if he somehow did he wouldn't have access to
	the the guns.  So what good would the information be? 


> "Power over others" depends in large part
> on secrecy, 

	Power over others depends on guns. 

> while "powers of self determination" depend largely on
> free and open access to information.
	Information is required but information alone will get you
	nowhere. Or more likely it would get you in jail.

> In the long run, the secrecy problem will take care of itself,
> because the abuses of power it enables have already killed the
> State:  
> At least, in the sense that a trans-national State hard
> wired for self destruction, defending that program by any means
> necessary, is "already dead."

	Well, the only thing missing to prove that claim is...evidence.

> :o)

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