participation in sensor networks

dan at dan at
Thu Mar 3 05:34:14 PST 2016

Most everyone I know is participating in sensor networks beginning
with carrying smartphones.  Let us assume, for the moment, this is
with their eyes wide open as to the possible extent of such networks'

Here's another one,, which I mention as the
recording of license plates and everything else in the surround,
not just the driver's performance envelope, now comes to consumer
gear which, undoubtedly, insurance rates will soon reflect and,
in the fullness of time, subpoenas will seek.

There are a bejillion other technologies of like import coming and
coming soon.  Those (of us) who opt-out will face price discrimination
and, quite likely, participation discrimination on an accelerating
pace; look to Sweden's stance on cash money for an example (banks
no longer accept cash deposits, as I understand it).

The question here is perhaps obvious: Will you opt out and suffer
the consequences thereof?


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