Litvinenko - Russian demonisation continues to crumble

Александр afalex169 at
Tue Jun 28 03:09:45 PDT 2016

Zenaan, thank you so much for your powerful speech that comes from the
depth of your Heart.

I am pro-Russian, from points of view including the following:
> ....
You are a pro-Russian/Putin + you are a HUGE PRO-TRUTH! PRO-GREAT-FUTURE
for all of us!

there might not be any truth to the "bad Russians, bad Putin" meme!
> Perhaps they're (the Russians) fellow humans?
> Perhaps they're in fact really fine humans (the Russians), and real humans?
> Perhaps their current leader, Putin, is pretty damn great, by any and all
> international, national and local, Christian, and any other, standards?
> !!!

Please, form your own assessment! Create an opinion for yourself, which
> is not my opinion, not the MSM opinion, but is your own, personal,
> opinion. Please.
> Please.

Zen, I think you should post your speech in a different thread. It's much
more than the "Litvienko case" here... and these deep and true words
deserve to be repeated.

Your Brother,
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