[tor-talk] Wikileaks is the Endgame

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Sun Jun 26 05:15:27 PDT 2016

On Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 07:44:05PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 04:59:51AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> > https://www.reddit.com/r/TOR/comments/4pw7bz/tor_infiltrated_by_cia_agent/
> > http://pastebin.com/WPAmqkW8
> > https://0bin.net/paste/blHWhjY9CRGB8A5X#EArYlEpN1fvqLSclzCivmmIMf3iRMvCYhi++oVYwWFu
> > 
> > Just links.
> Meh, just links. THANK YOU!

Tor HQ cannot come back from this with the current crowd.
"http://pastebin.com/WPAmqkW8" is devastating.

To quote one of the participants at line 227
"22:14 < Yawning> I don't think I can sit in this conversation and
remain civil."

I can only concur.

Americans in power - the insidious arrogance and pride leading to
blindness, heartless comparisons between e.g. Iraq war and Mahondas
Ghandi, thuggery (implied threat to sue/ take legal action, bullying,
distraction/ changing topic, isis "my keyboard does not work" in the
middle of this really intense conversation.

Just say no more!

Anyway, the conversation indicts. Has to be read. grarpamp, thank you

Both Juan and Putin claim (vehemently) that Tor is a creation and a tool
of the NSA, the CIA and the American war machine, and that it cannot be
trusted as a consequence of these facts.

After reading this conversation, it is impossible to disagree with both
Juan and Putin on this point.

So I guess this makes both Putin and Juan, "conspiracy factualists",
because there certainly ain't no 'theory' to be tested any more...

It is not surprising that Russia is wanting to "button the digital
hatches" so to speak, given the horrific demoncratic record of the CIA
since WWII - the major and very sad problem is that such legislation
almost never gets unwound once the battle is over. So there's always
another battle..

At line 268: "< mikeperry> also, I am completely unsure what to do about
the DaveC1 thing. it seems like it will put a lot of our community at
risk and cause fallout. I was excited to have a bridge to the State dept
and gov't bureaucrats, but this seems like the cost is too great.
forgive me if I appear to otherwise ignore this, really not sure how to
handle it"

Thought: If the CIA, which funds Tor via the DoD etc, really wanted an
advocacy position, then there was no reason to not just keep "DaveC1" on
payroll at the CIA and promote Tor. So DaveC1's attempt to get on Tor
payroll directly, and be close to the core of Tor, falls apart on
multiple grounds as well as this.

Here's a classic at 227 "22:25 < ioerror> We [Tor] don't hire war
criminals, we don't [can't be accused of] discriminate by not hiring
them" (in response to the supposedly "ex-" CIA man, DaveC1, who implied
the threat he would sue Tor Inc if they refused to employ him "just
because he used to work for the CIA and shot citizens of Iraq" (or
rather, terminated his employment it seems, now that they figured out he
lied to get employed, saying he was from US State Dept).

>From line 310:
22:30 < mikeperry> I have no doubt that the CIA would find Tor useful,
and its funding would not comrpromise us, but as I said then, the optics
[of directly employing a (ex) CIA agent]
would be so bad that the et improvement to Tor from such funding would
not be worth the bad PR
22:31 < ioerror> mikeperry: Funding does compromise us
22:31 < ioerror> I am clear on that now.
22:31 < ioerror> Tor is compromised.
22:32 < ioerror> When we set the road map and found funders to fund us,
it was different
22:32 < ioerror> we haven't done that for a long time
22:32 < ioerror> The money has corrupted us

Here's a satisfying line 332:
"22:35 < DaveC1> Runa: re: the not waiting until I could disclose.
Didn't have the financial resources to end one career and wait
(unsure how long) to start looking for other work. I tried
to be as clear as possible with Roger what my situation was
without committing a felony. I obviously failed.

Yep, seems CIA agents find it real hard to -not- commit felonies,
even when they are -trying- to not commit felonies.

Really, the entire log is a must read.

ioerror/ Jacob Applebaum - this man is staunch!

No wonder Jacob was taken down.

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