Wikileaks is the Endgame

Ted Smith tedks at
Sun Jun 26 21:21:54 PDT 2016

You're totally correct, but the people who actually do control this list have decided it's more important for the obvious CyberCom trolls to drive the list into the ground than it is to violate their concept of ~freedom of speech~. 

It really sucks that the list has been fucked over by some people who are at worst being paid to do so by a government (a possibility I've become convinced is near to the truth), or at best just assholes who didn't even have the balls to post on the version (of course, signatures indicate they were trolling the debian lists during that period).

Every ecosystem attracts parasites, and the best kept gardens die by pacifism. 

People whom this post/subthread is about: how many people have to say they dislike your posts and killfile your email before you take the hint and stop posting? You are not contributing anything of value, and you aren't liked in this community. If this list was a party, you'd be having your circlejerk in the corner, or screaming alone, while literally everyone else ignored you. Try to feel, just for a second, the shame, isolation, and sense of social ineptitude I'm sure you have at plenty of times in your life if not most of it. That is how you should feel wherever you post to this list.

Inb4 the lurkers support you in email

On June 26, 2016 8:44:18 PM PDT, "Shawn K. Quinn" <skquinn at> wrote:
>On Sun, 2016-06-26 at 20:52 -0600, Mirimir wrote:
>> On 06/26/2016 07:04 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
>> > I've never engaged in ad hominem attacks on this list, and I don't
>> > they have a place here. This post starts with an ad hominem attack,
>> > goes on to slam those who run the Tor Project (some of which are
>> > volunteers), while incorrectly saying they all work for the US
>> Why not just killfile people who post stuff that you don't want to
>I shouldn't have to. That's what community standards of decent behavior
>are for. That's what moderation is for.
>> > To the rest of the readership on this list (besides the original
>> > poster), do you consider this acceptable?
>> It's not my call.
>As part of the community, it is your call. A simple "no, I consider
>unacceptable" would have sufficed.
>> This is an unmoderated, uncensored list. I like that.
>> If you don't like it, unsubscribe.
>That's a complete non-solution, as it means I lose all of the quality
>messages along with the crap. It is throwing the proverbial baby out
>with the bathwater.
>Standing up for someone's right to pollute the list with messages that,
>in all honesty, contribute nothing to civil discussion, is bad enough.
>Your suggestion that I unsubscribe is many times worse than that.
>> > Once upon a time, cypherpunks was a place where constructive
>> > was the norm, and outright garbage being posted to the list was
>> > Now, it seems it is the reverse of that. What do we have to do to
>> > this?
>> When would that have been? I've been subscribed off and on to various
>> versions of this list for about 20 years, and there's always been
>> garbage. Some of the garbage has been very entertaining :) Back in
>> day, there was so much garbage that I had to subscribe to the
>> version, to conserve bandwidth. And even that had loads of garbage.
>Maybe circa 2003-2006 or so, it used to not be like this. At least, I
>don't remember it being anywhere near this bad, even when there was the
>occasional flaming going on. I've never seen someone spew one attack
>after another after another.
>Getting banned from a mailing list, in general, should serve as a
>warning that one's conduct is unacceptable. If this describes you,
>recently, please heed that warning.
>Shawn K. Quinn <skquinn at>

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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