Hi, Boyce! (was Fwd: tor-talk subscription update)

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Thu Jun 23 18:09:10 PDT 2016

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 05:38:59PM -0300, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> On Jun 23, 2016 4:38 PM, "juan" <juan.g71 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >         And you can read the list.
> >
> >         https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/
> >
> >         You don't need to be subscribed to read it.
> Thank you, my dear, but it is not the same thing.  I want to be formaly
> subscribed and receive aaaall the lovely messages in my inbox.  You know me
> enough to understand my personal position, Juan.  :)
> If the people behind ja.group are still subscribed, even after using two
> fake accounts to humilliate and harass a person, why can't I be subscribed
> too?  :)
> Some of the people behind the lynch mob already told their names and they
> are still in the tor-talk list.  Only two fake accounts were banned.  The
> real accounts are normally subscribed.  Not fair, not reasonable.  It says
> a lot about the moderation team's preferences.
> If I had told lies using a fake account, my personal account would be still
> protected and subscribed.  Instead, I decided to expose myself in an honest
> way and I am being punished for not using a fake account to defend Jake.
> You know, being sincere and transparent is not a valuable thing for
> hypocrite people.
> Do you remember the jokes that I told about my personal convictions, Juan?
> I am millions of times more hard headed than you, my dear.  Just wait,
> hihi!  :)

Reminds me of a line from that movie earlier this year, Eddie The Eagle,
where he lands off the ski jump without crashing for the first time (or
at least, without dieing :) and his trainer (who got banned from the
sport so many years prior for being arrogant 'but transparent') yells
out "You did it! And we're a disgrace!!"

So: You did it! You stood for honesty, spoke personally and
transparently, drew out some more fascists, and crashed and burned, and
(according to tor-project), we're a disgrace!

Hey, I'll take Team Cecilia, Juan, Alex, Rayzer and the rest of
cypherpunks ANY day. Might not be many people in this world who value
freedom of speech, but at least a few...

> >         boyce is just a left-wing fascist. It's now fashionable
> among left-wing fascists to pretend to care oh so much about women, while
> ignoring cases where women are actually hurt.
> Yeah, I confess I was waiting for formal excuses because he is pretending
> to be politically correct.  I am pretty disappointed.  He is a bad actor
> and not much smart.

This is one of the beautiful results (sometimes) of being "simple"
(transparnet, open, honest, asking straightforward questions etc, even
when some people will say "oh, how stupid you are - you got banned/
everybody knows the answer/ etc") - ahah, but some true human nature got
shown, and others have a chance to see something they may be not saw

That's a great service to other humans, so thanks y'all!

> The lies about banned people using threats to
> subscribe again were stranger than his disgusting offenses about rape
> apology.  Sick guy, really disturbing, eeck!  :-/

Astoundingly messed up guy. I'm suspecting actually a fake guy, one of
the ja.group women with a huge knot in her knickers - but that would be
even more disturbing.

> Well, hope he learns how to fake better with his friends of ja.group.  It
> is pretty stupid, Juan, but I was trying to sing a bit of Bob Marley,
> hihi...  ;)
> Bad Boyce, bad Boyce, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for
> you?
> Bad Boyce, bad Boyce, whatcha gonna do?
> Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

 Exodus! Bull shit of ja.people.
 They gone exposed their messed up tor group.

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