Hi, Boyce! (was Fwd: tor-talk subscription update)

Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 12:24:42 PDT 2016

On Jun 23, 2016 3:42 PM, "juan" <juan.g71 at gmail.com> wrote:

>         Cecilia said 'moderation' (that is censorship) was almost always
bad, but sometimes 'justified'(or something like that).
>         Given the 'context' and as far as I'm concerned, Cecilia was
saying that banning all the people that tor-fascists banned was 'justified'
'ok' or whatever.

Hey, I did not say it at all, hard headed Juan!  :P

But it is their list and their rules, being unjust or not.  If they want to
censor their list in a dishonest and stupid way, using bad excuses, they
will lose credibility, respect and collaborators.  Their problems, not mine.

>         By the way, Cecilia's 'argument'  is pretty much self-defeating.
If censorship is OK 'sometimes', then she can't complain about being
censored 'sometimes', like 'this' time.

Sorry, I wanted to read the list and don't care about following rules to do
it, if necessary.  Social rules, for example:  - In the Summer, I really
prefer to be nude all the time, but I use clothes or I will be arrested.

Reading the tor-talk list is not possible because my personal positions are
different?  Ok, what could I wait of a guy who can't simply admiss that was
stupid, limited and cruel for calling a raped woman, a "ludicrous rape

I know it is a terrible bad karma, but I would love to graffitti these
exact words in his house.  So Boyce would be able to understand how heavy
and offensive were his words.
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