the fall of the USA's Magnitsky Act (a massive conviction without trial)

Zenaan Harkness zen at
Sat Jun 18 17:08:48 PDT 2016

The Magnitsky Act is one foundation for the Western "taking it on faith"
litany of assumptions leading to action which is disgraceful towards
Russia, indicting of the West and its so called 'leaders', and
facilitating the media to spoon feed the public with again more
assumptions that Russian government/ Putin is despotic, does really bad
things like stealing money from 'innocent ex-pat investment bankers' and
arresting, torturing and murdering whistleblowers.

"A lie will circle the world before the truth puts its boots on."

But when the truth finally gets going, those chickens will come home to

For anyone who has bought into this particular thread of the Western
regime, this documentary, when it's available, is going to be important to

The hysterics arising from the Putinism "Russia is not the kind of a
country that extradites human rights champions. (Россия не та страна
которая выдаёт борцов за права человека.)" can be enjoyed just that little
bit more.

The extent of the efforts at various levels and from various (Western)
parliamentarians to suppress this documentary, leaves a bad taste indeed.

The linked prior article about the first cancelled screening is worth
reading too and sets a fuller stage (besides providing a text book case of
the Streissand effect):

And this whole Magnitsky saga is highly topical in respect of a certain
days of our lives opera occurring in other forums over the last week or
"We heard about the inconsistencies of the Magnitsky narrative that
Browder has peddled in all venues, and the eureka moment of the film maker
that led him to change the message of his film mid-way through production
into what ultimately became a scathing critique of Browder, and also a
serious critique of the entire concept of applying personal sanctions
against alleged human rights abusers without due process, as was the case
in the compilation of the Magnitsky List."

Advance Review of Devastating Film About Bill Browder Which He Tried to

Gilbert Doctorow

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