Filling out captchas helps google train AI models

Shelley shelley at
Fri Jun 17 16:40:54 PDT 2016

On June 17, 2016 3:37:42 PM Mr Nobody <mrnobody at> wrote:

> I just discovered that the reCaptchas that you usually bump into when
> using tor are not only a way to distinguish humans, but also they use
> your replies to train artificial intelligence modes

In case you or anyone else is interested in the evolution of recaptcha 
after google acquired it in 2009 - beginning with using us as free labor to 
digitize their books, to decoding street addresses for Google maps and on 
to the Match Game crap we have today:

Warning for sensitive individuals: this image contains a racial slur.  It 
was what /b/ called the attempt to screw with recaptcha, just including it 
for relevant reference (so don't send me hate mail):

So, yeah.  We've known from the start that they were using recaptcha as 
free labor.


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