[private] Re: [tor-talk] http://jacobappelbaum.net/

jim bell jdb10987 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 6 11:23:17 PDT 2016

      From: Steve Kinney <admin at pilobilus.net>
On 06/06/2016 08:18 AM, Александр wrote:
> Unambiguous and comprehensive response from Jacob Appelbaum himself
> to all this dirty slander toward him! If this kind of response
> "does not enough" for you, people, - just go fuck yourself.
> http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1soorlp
> Jacob Appelbaum · @ioerror 6th Jun 2016 from TwitLonger Berlin,
> June 6, 2016

>To the people who "know" that TOR is a complete sham designed to
>compromise unwary users, Appelbaum ranks with Hitler, Stalin and
>Attila the Hun.  To those who "know" that TOR is the bestest weapon in
>the whole Freedom Fighter arsenal, he is the noblest of heroes.  Both
>views are dead wrong.  Whether TOR is harmful or helpful depends
>entirely on how well its users understand both what it does, and what
>their potential adversaries can do about it.

Apparently there are a number of easy-to-describe improvements which could be made to the TOR protocol, such as increasing the number of hops, generating fake extra traffic, etc, which would improve it greatly.  TOR is a net positive, but that should not be at the expense of continuing improvements.             Jim Bell  
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