[tor-talk] Tor (and other nets) probably screwed by Traffic Analysis by now

StealthMonger StealthMonger at nym.mixmin.net
Thu Jun 2 22:22:27 PDT 2016

Hash: SHA1

grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com> writes:

> Fill / chaff seem needed, otherwise in an all wheat network,
> input traffic on one side seems to match output traffic on the
> other side at some point, regardless of storage / delay.
> Fixed packet sizes seem to help.
> Fill ratios up to 100% utilization can mask the wheat.
> Minimum fill is amount needed for plausible deniability
> that single input can't be mapped to a single output.
> ie: 10MiB in, must have at least two outputs that
> received 10MiB.

This stuff has been in daily use since the last millennium.  The links
below are out of date but should get you started.

> Is there any group / list that is actively researching
> or developing such networks? Or that wants to?

See usenet newsgroup alt.privacy,anon-server

- -- 

 -- StealthMonger <StealthMonger at nym.mixmin.net>
    Long, random latency is part of the price of Internet anonymity.

   anonget: Is this anonymous browsing, or what?

   stealthmail: Hide whether you're doing email, or when, or with whom.
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