Re: "Deleting WhatsApp chats doesn’t delete shit nothing."

Rayzer rayzer at
Fri Jul 29 07:51:09 PDT 2016

On 07/28/2016 10:47 PM, Bastiani Fortress wrote:

> I installed signal on my phone with some enthusiasm, but it's
> practically useless because no one around me adopted it yet. It's sad
> that once a "social" app dominates the market, it's very hard to get
> people to switch to better alternatives unless there is a security
> scandal or something. Same goes with ring...

Personally I think having to expose the phone number of a smartphone to
another user to establish a chat is an incredible security risk in the
short and long run and leads to all sorts of metadata harvesting of your
unencrypted info. It appears one should keep a low-budget smartphone for
that use instead of their main number for better persec. 

I questioned Morgan Mayhem (Intercept's sysadmin/cybersec guy) about
that when he broached how secure signal is (he's one of the developers)
on his twitter feed. Never got a reply.

Telegram allows the use of an @name instead of exposing your number if
you set up an account but I'm unsure what happens when a connection is
established and the contact is added to you contact list


> 4:53 AM, July 29, 2016, Rayzer <rayzer at>:
>     Apple’s iMessage too! ("Signal leaves virtually nothing.")
>     Quote source @thegrugq, Twitter
>     WhatsApp Forensic Artifacts: Chats Aren’t Being Deleted
>     Posted on July 28, 2016
>     Sorry, folks, while experts are saying the encryption checks out in
>     WhatsApp, it looks like the latest version of the app tested leaves
>     forensic trace of all of your chats, even after you’ve deleted,
>     cleared,
>     or archived them… even if you “Clear All Chats”. In fact, the only way
>     to get rid of them appears to be to delete the app entirely.
>     To test, I installed the app and started a few different threads.
>     I then
>     archived some, cleared, some, and deleted some threads. I made a
>     second
>     backup after running the “Clear All Chats” function in WhatsApp.
>     None of
>     these deletion or archival options made any difference in how deleted
>     records were preserved. In all cases, the deleted SQLite records
>     remained intact in the database.
>     More, including 'How WhatsApp Can Fix This':
> -- 
> You’re not from the Castle, you’re not from the village, you are
> nothing. Unfortunately, though, you are something, a stranger. 

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