Scanning the Dark Web with Python (was Re: cypherpunks Digest, Vol 37, Issue 101)

Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at
Thu Jul 28 18:34:39 PDT 2016

Hi, Justin!  Hope you are doing fine!  :)

I liked your project a lot and forwarded the message you had originally
sent to the list "Data Driven Journalism and Open Data in Journalism" to
two different lists.

A Brazilian guy wants to talk with you about the project.  He contacted me
and I asked to talk directly to you.  And, well, Flipchan sent this cute
message now:

On Jul 28, 2016 9:45 PM, "Flipchan" <flipchan at> wrote:
> Cant u scan tor in a simplier way?like generating .onion addresses then
curl(ing) them with multiple threads in py?:)

Sorry, my programming is still a shame, even worst than my English.
Please, may you answer to the questions?  I am curious and will forward
your answer to Python Brazil list too!  :)

Thank you very much!  Good luck and success!  <3

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